Monday, February 11, 2008

Journal 1 - Critique The Critic

I Am Legend (2007) - I chose this movie simply, because it's the last movie i saw in theaters. I choose to read a review by a man that calls himself General Disdain from a website called The Critical Critics. The review was very easy to read largly due to the fact that i agreed with almost everything he said. Quick history lesson, I Am Legend is a collage of two movies Ubaldo Ragona's The Last Man On Earth(1964) and Boris Sagal's The Omega Man (1971).
"The Hollywood remake. Love ‘em or hate ‘em, they’re a steady part of our cinema diet. I Am Legend proves once again that Hollywood believes the easiest path to success is to either: make a sequel or take a movie from years past and dress it up with an updated storyline and fresh graphics."

I completely agree with this statement, that fact of the matter is that most movie remakes are horrible. In fact most have nothing more to offer us besides a barrage of CGI and a famous face. I Am Legend does nothing short of this. Best put this movie is an extravagantly rapped empty box. I like 90% of the film and even find Will Smith enjoyable, but no amount of CGI or Will Smith can ever make up for an almost absent ending. I like the idea, but the film is just not executed as it should be.
"What I do know is, from a casting perspective, big Willie would seem like the perfect fit. He’s got himself an ego that a super-carrier like the USS Nimitz would have trouble carrying. He does do an admirable job mixing in his style with the seriousness of the situation, but a Tom Hanks he is not."
I once again agree with the critic on this statement. Usually Wills random swearing and high pitched yelling I can do without, but he worked out incredibly well with this film. The Fresh Prince played a sorrowful character very well and at the same time played his usual kick ass take names later character very well. The obsession of Bob Marley in the film also makes it a winner! Go Green!
"Once again marketers sold me one product and delivered something altogether different. When the action did come into play, every attempt was made to heighten the moment – multiple camera angles, darkened settings and deafening silence – all unfortunately with little effect. I actually found it comical in a strange way."
This is the almost I had mentioned earlier. I do agree with the statement about the attempts of camera techniques that try to spice up the scene. Although I think that this critic mistakes the action scenes for something they are not, because he was expecting a regular Will Smith shoot 'em up mixture of Independence Day and Bad Boys. When in reality the movie has some content to it and some what of a plot line that were eventually all blown to pieces by the bullshit excuse for an ending, but that's another topic for another day.

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