Friday, February 8, 2008

The Usual Suspects - Restricted Narration & Duration

The Usual Suspects (1995) - This part of the film shows great examples of both restricted narration and duration. In the very beginning of this clip the director uses very short clips to make things very dramatic, not to mention it makes it easy for us as the viewers to put all the clues together very quickly. Every time the clip changes the viewer gets another piece to the puzzle and then is finalized with a very long slow motion shot of the coffee cup falling. The restricted narration is very interesting in the clip because the entire movie the we believe an entirely different story and in two minuets it complete changes and actually makes sense in a weird way. It’s strange, because the man telling all us his version of the story, Roger 'verbal' Kint, played by the great Kevin Spacey knows more then us and everyone in the movie. He fools not only the characters in the movie, but also us. By the way this is a hell of a movie!

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