Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Favorite Movie

Heat (1995) - This action packed crime drama is easily one of the best films ever made. The cast alone makes it worth seeing. Heat was released on December 15, 1995 and was written and directed by Michael Mann; who later would go on to direct such greats as Collateral and The Kingdom, not to mention already having directing The Last Of The Mohican's. Heat stars Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro. Pacino a LAPD homicide detective who is completely obsessed with his work and consequently is on the way out of his third marriage. DeNiro a calm collected highly professional thief that has a trusty and loyal crew made up of Val Kilmer, Jon Voight, and Tom Sizemore. DeNiro's Crew plays by one rule, "you wanna be making money on the street. Have no attachments, allow nothing to be in your life that you can not walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat around the conner." After a heavy string of very detailed robbery's have taken over LA, Pacino catches wind of DeNiro this puts the two on a collision course that erupts onto the streets of LA after an attempted bust of DeNiro and his crew. Heat combines the lives of men that have very much in common except what side of the law they are on. This epic twister will have you on the edge of your seat the entire movie.

The reason that this movie holds such a great interest with me is largely due to one thing and i am fine with admitting it. About half way through this film DeNiro is in the middle of a bank robbery that has a score value of 12.5 million dollars, earlier DeNiro makes it clear that this is his last heist, the robbery is going all as planned until Pacino on a small lead shows up just as Deniro and his crew are walking out the front door! This leads to a large scale gun fight that pours on to the streets of LA, in which Pacino looses his right hand man and same for DeNiro. This gun fight is one of the most realistic and fantastic scenes in any film ever! The ending of this scene puts closers to somethings and opens others. This film is a remarkable balance of action and reality. Not to mention that this film has one of the best casts I have ever seen in a movie before. Natalie Portman made her debut in this movie as Pacino's step daughter who he deeply cares about. Not to mention it is the first time DeNiro and Pacino are put on screen together!

This movie was a commercial box office hit grossing over 60 million in theaters alone. Eventually it went on to gross almost 200 million world wide. The New York Times called it, "one of the best movies of the decade" and it is highly proclaimed as some of Mann's best work. Although it is a remake of a made-for-television movie called L.A. Take Down, they were both written and directed by Mann. RockStar Entertainment has Heat:The Video Game on schedule for 2009, both DeNiro and Pacino our signed on for voice overs! Hopefully this video game will rekindle the films success to a generation that is satisfied with garbage like 300 and Smoking Ace's. Thats all.

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