Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Curious George (2006)

Curious George (2006) - There is hope! HBO's film library is not complete garbage believe it or not. If you haven't noticed I have a habit of having nothing to do after school, but simply catch movies I have never seen before and todays movie happened to be Curious George. This very fun happy movie is almost certain to put anyone in a good mood, as long as you're willing to lower you're standards to be entertained by possible the cutest cuddly thing ever! George makes Gizmo from the Gremlins look like a rugged pit bull on the cute factor. The movie has a very simple plot Will Ferrell stars as Ted (The Man in the Yellow Hat), a gentleman who looks after his pet monkey - a fun and wonderful creature whose enthusiasm often gets the best of him. They're story is spotted with fun and adventure. Will Farrel does a great job, he makes it enjoyable both for young youth and adults. I recommend this movie it makes you feel good for no reason, kind of like a drug with no side effects.

1 comment:

mary-catherine said...

thank you! and no its not sinking to lower standards but at least someone else likes it!